Company history of Ulmer Werkzeugschleiftechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Ulm-Einsingen
1859 Foundation of J.E. REINECKER in Chemnitz, production of machine tools and construction of tool machines.
1911 Conversion to a joint-stock company
1939 The company had approximately 4,000 employees, the largest tool and machine tool factory in Europe. The product range includes a variety of machines for gear machining, tooling and tools.
1945 Dismantling of factories and sent to Russia.
1948 Expropriation and transfer of the company as “public property”.
1949 Recommencement of J.E. REINECKER Maschinenbau AG in Ulm-Einsingen. Built were relieving lathe, tool grinding machines and machines for plane and internal grinding.
1981 Delivery of the 2.500th machine in Ulm-Einsingen and construction of the first CNC tool grinding machine
1985 Delivery of the first 5-axis CNC tool grinding machine.
1994 Introduction of the cutting tool grinding machine REINECKER WZS 500 CNC.
1998 Sale to the EMAG Group. Re-Establishment of Ulmer Werkzeugschleiftechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Ulm-Einsingen and repurchase of the “TOOL GRINDING”.
2000 Introduction of the contour peel grinding machine REINECKER RS 500.
2001 Introduction of the cutting tool grinding machine WZS 60 REINECKER.
2004 Introduction of the top / chamfer grinding machine SF40 REINECKER.
2009 Introduction of the cutting tool grinding machine WZS 700 REINECKER.
2010 Introduction of the cylindrical grinding machine RS 700 REINECKER.
2013 Introduction of the cutting tool grinding machine WZS 70 REINECKER.
2015 Relocation to the newly built production and office building in August-Nagel-Str. 9 in Ulm-Einsingen.
2017 Introduction of the cylindrical grinding machine RS 50 REINECKER.
2021 Introduction of the cylindrical grinding machine RS 800 REINECKER.
2021 Introduction of the cutting tool grinding machine WZS 800 REINECKER.