Ulmer Toolgrinders Inc., USA

the pictures shows the logo from ulmer tool grinder inc and its typography

1700 NW 15th Ave. # 310, Pompano Beach, FL 33069, USA

Welcome to Ulmer Tool Grinders, a formal subsidiary of Ulmer Werkzeugschleiftechnik, Germany.
We are handling all your inquiries regarding our tool & cutter grinding machines as welll as od-grinding machines in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

USA, Canada, Mexico

Frank Holubeck
Phone +1/954-974-6190
Fax +1/954-974-3595


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WZS 800 Cutting tool grinding machine

Das Bild zeigt eine Werkzeugschleifmaschine vom typ wzs-800 von reinecker

RS 800 Cylindrical grinding machine

Das Bild zeigt eine Werkzeugschleifmaschine vom typ rs-800 von reinecker

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Technical details

A table of contents, which lists the technical data of our offered tools

Features / Options:
For more detailed product information see our brochures.
You are looking for an individual solution for your application?